Thursday, December 04, 2003

Back to Blogging in December

OK. I've stopped blogging for all of Nov. My website has been down for weeks and I've not gotten myself back on the web. Mostly because the only people I know who are on the web consistently are my coworkers. For most the web exists as a self-service (please pardon the pun) locale. Come here to find out about movies or order a present for someone to commune with a community of likeminded individuals. I see little benefit in putting up and maintaining so many websites. Oh well. I figure I oughta keep this up as someone might find it interesting or perhaps humorous.

Lately I've been focusing (I'm just eat up with it today) on photography. I'm done a few more model shoots and I've gone out shooting landscapes or nature subjects solo and with friends. A couple of my friends got Canon EOS Digital Rebels (known throughout the world as the 300D). They are slightly cutdown versions of my EOS 10D. They use the Canon EF lenses, too. I finally got a print ready to sell and posted it. You can find it at It's a white or cream colored rose that we found blooming in December. 'Course December doesn't get that cold in Tennessee (I saw 2 lovely, young ladies wearing open toed shoes the other day).

I'm really starting to acquire some good accessories for my photography business but I still don't have any reflectors or lighting setups. I will be getting the Canon 550EX flash for Christmas and after that I'm going to get myself a good frame (either a StroboFrame Pro-T or a Newton Di400CR, which is really what I want). As I begin to produce better and better work, I start to remember what energized me and jazzed me about this as a hobby in the first place. I just love taking photos and capturing the essence of some scene. I've tried drawing and it just takes too much patience and time right now. I want immediate rewards. Now I make immediate reminders of things we did or places we went and I'm getting better the more I practice.

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